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An App to Log GreaseTheGroove Reps and Add Them to Google Fit

In this post, I'll explain how you can log great the groove reps and add them to your google fit account automatically.

Hi everyone ! Two years ago I made a post to find an app to log my GTG reps. I used Daily Counter Pro until the app was removed recently from the play store. As you helped me, I thought it was normal that I help in return.

I just found another one : Logreps (

And it is perfect for me as it also record theses reps in Google Fit as micro activities.

Google Fit is my centralized app (Running and hiking with Strava, workouts with Strongapp), so this is the perfect solution for me.

Hope it helps, have a nice day ! And no before someone asks, I don't know the dev nor am I related to this app, I just came across it by searching for an app that fits my needs, and I share it with you all.
