How to Automatically Back-up All Your Github Repo and Archive Them¶
Afraid of losing all your hard work on github ? Here a simple and fast way to backup all your projects in multiple zip files.
- Clone all our repositories.
- Archive them to their respective
- Delete the repository folders
- Linux, git-bash on windows, well basically you need to be able to run bash script.
- Github CLI → Access to the repo list and clone using https login.
- parallel → Parallelize code to reduce execution time.
- p7zip [Wiki ubuntu-fr] → Archive the cloned repository.
The Script¶
You'll just need to input your account username in line 2
of the script.
You can find it here :
The script will clone and archive the repositories in the current folder
# Cloning all the repositories from a profile
gh repo list USER --limit 1000 --json nameWithOwner --jq '.[].nameWithOwner' | \
parallel -j16 gh repo clone
# Function to archive and remove subfolders
archive_and_remove() {
local subfolder="$1"
local subfolder_name="${subfolder%/}"
# Archive the subfolder to its own ZIP file
7z a -tzip "${subfolder_name}.zip" "$subfolder_name"
# Remove the original subfolder
rm -rf "$subfolder_name"
# Export the function to make it available to parallel
export -f archive_and_remove
# Use find to get a list of subfolders and pipe it to parallel
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} \; | \
parallel -j16 archive_and_remove