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How to Search Efficiently Online

Here's a guide that showcase many usefull search operators that you can use to search things online more efficiently.

Add a - before the word to exclude.

dolfins -footbal

You'll get animals, not a footbal team.

If You Want Synonyms in the Result

Add a ~ before the word if you want synonyms.

music ~classes

Here you'll get music classes, lessons, coaching, etc.

Search Within a Specific Website

How to search inside a specific website →

How to do that

Or and |

How to use OR while searching ? → OR or |

Netflix | Prime <=> Netflix OR Prime

Search Within Two Number Ranges

How to search within a range ? → 1914..1918

Movies 1980..2000

How to search inside a specific location only ? → location:France

Weather alert location:france

Filter by File Type

How to search for a specific filetype ? → filetype:pdf

Bible filetype:pdf

Search Exactly for That Word

How to search exactly for a word ? → "word"

"Jean Claude" le chauffagiste

Gives you the results with the full name, not just the first or last one.

Eliminate Sites That Flood the Results

Comment retirer un site qui donne des résultats de merde ? → -site:pinterest.*

