File structure
└── obsidian-workflow-template/
├── .github -> Github repository files, can be deleted.
├── .obsidian/
│ ├── plugins -> Plugins location
│ ├── snippets -> CSS snippets
│ ├── themes -> Themes location
│ └── > various config files -> Obsidian and plugins config
├── _Canvas -> Obsidian canvas files
├── _Media -> Attachments location (images, pdf, etc)
├── _Scripts -> Scripts locations like taskCalendar and QuickAdd
├── _Sources -> Links saved in markdown format thanks to Omnivore
├── -Daily-Notes -> Daily notes (YYYY-MM-DD)
├── -Periodic-Notes -> Periodics notes (Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly)
├── 0-Inbox -> Inbox for new notes
├── 1-Projects -> Projects notes
├── 2-Areas -> Areas notes that holds projects and recurring tasks
├── 3-Resources -> Zettelkasten note-taking location with a flat structure
├── 4-Archives -> Archives for old projects or notes no longer relevant
├── 5-Templates -> Templates files location
├── -> Journal query
├── Passions Backlog 🎮.md -> Passions kanban board
├── Someday Maybe 💭.md -> Someday Maybe list of things to do
├── -> Github repository file, can be deleted.
└── LICENCE -> Github repository file, can be deleted.