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How to install ?

  1. Go to the release page of the repository and download the latest release.
  2. Extract the archive in your desired vault location (eg:C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents).
  3. Rename the folder to your desired VAULT_NAME.
  4. You can safely remove the file, the LICENCE file and the .github folder. They are useless for you.
  5. Open Obsidian and select that folder as a vault.
  6. Go to the community plugin tab and turn off Restricted Mode to activate the vault plugins.

How to login to plugins ?

  1. Log in to the obsidian-todoist plugin by using your Todoist API token.
  2. Log in to the obsidian-omnivore plugin by using your Omnivore API key.
  3. Log in to the obsidian-github-publisher plugin by using your Github token.

How to update ?

To be honest, I don't plan on updating this project anymore except by resolving user issues. So you should not have to update it.