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Tasks and projects creation

Markdown tasks

Create a task

You can write tasks almost everywhere in your vault using the ctrl+alt+Q shortcut, or simply typing a markdown task.

The excluded folder are :

_Sources -> You don't want online links tasks to be shown as tasks
5-Templates -> Template files are excluded as well

The tasks will then be shown in the obsidian-tasks queries inside your daily and periodic notes.

Create a project

A project is just a task enclosed in double brackets like that : [[TASK_NAME]].

Example :

- [ ] [[TASK_NAME]] ➕ 2023-05-07 📅 2024-01-31

This way, you can create a project note by clicking on the task link. And add some tasks inside !

Projects are supposed to be created within an Area file of your choice in your 2-Areas folder. But there's no obligation, it just helps focusing on the right things.

Don't forget to move your projects notes to the 1-Projects folder for easier management.

There's the project markdown task, and there's the markdown note

The markdown tasks using the obsidian-tasks properties holds a note in place of the task.description. That means when a project is done, you should mark the task as done, and move the project note from the 1-Projects folder to the 4-Archives folder.

Create something using QuickAdd

You can use the QuickAdd plugin to create a task or a project.

Simply click on the QuickAdd button Create Something in the left ribbon and select the type of task you want to create :

  • Create Project -> Create a project in an Area file of your choice in your 2-Areas.
  • Create One-Off Task -> Create a task in the Notes part of today's daily note
  • Someday Maybe -> Create a list item in your Someday maybe inbox.
  • Create Passion -> Create a new passion/media in your Passions Backlog 🎮 kanban board

Import todoist tasks

You can import your todoist tasks using the Import from Todoist QuickAdd button in the left ribbon. You then just need to select the tasks you want.

This required to have the obsidian-todoist plugin configured. Please refer to the installation instructions.

You'll have access to the same choices as the Create Something button, while also being able to :

  • Import selected Todoist tasks into your cursor position as well.

Tasks locations

  • One-off tasks : Tasks created in the Notes 📝 part of today's daily note are considered as one-off tasks, meaning tasks that are not part of a project.
  • Project tasks : Tasks created in a project note are considered as project tasks, meaning tasks that are part of a project. To be fair, every tasks not in a daily-note are considered as project tasks.
  • Focus 🔥 & Goals 🎯 : Tasks created in the PERIOD Focus 🔥 & Goals 🎯 section of a daily or periodic notes will be considered as stuff you want to focus on during the period, or goals you want to achieve.
  • Passions Backlog 🎮 : Tasks created in the Passions Backlog 🎮 kanban board are considered as passion tasks, meaning medias to watch, play, read, etc.
  • Someday maybe 💭 : Tasks created in the Someday maybe file are not really tasks but just list items. They will one day be moved to action somewhere.

Tasks properties

A task always have :

  • A status

A task can have :

  • A created date
  • A start date
  • A scheduled date
  • A due date
  • A done date
  • A cancelled date
  • A reccurence rule
  • A priority
  • One or many tags (using the # symbol)

Tags should come after the task.description and before the :


GTD tags with associated queries in daily and periodic notes are :

  • #next for next actions -> Other tags in the tasks are considered as contexts (eg: #next #computer will be considered as an action to do next when using a computer)
  • #waiting for waiting for tasks
  • #delegated for delegated tasks

These may evolve with obsidian-tasks plugin, and you should refer to the official documentation for more informations.

Tasks statuses

  • - [ ] -> Tasks to do
  • - [/] -> Tasks in progress
  • - [x] -> Tasks done
  • - [-] -> Tasks cancelled
  • - [?] -> Tasks on-hold

Clicking on a task status will change it to the next status.

- [ ] -> - [/] -> - [x] -> - [ ]

You can also change a task status by many different ways.