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Tasks and projects management

The workflow

The workflow is entirely inspired from the book Getting Things Done from David Allen. Here's a quick overview :

  1. Add items to the todoist inbox everytime you have an idea or a task to do. To cite David Allen, the creator of the GTD method, "Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them".
  2. Clarify and organize your inbox items and add them to the appropriate part of your vault (One-off tasks, projects, project tasks, passions items, someday maybe). Add tags, dates, and any relevant properties that will make you do it at the right time in the future or at least remember them.
  3. Engage with your tasks and projects by using your daily note to direct your actions. I personally pick my tasks from the Today ☀️ section of my daily note, and I copy them to Super Productivity. I then add an estimated time to each task and start working on them.
  4. Review your system periodicly to make sure you are on track and that you have not forgotten anything. I personally do it on Sunday evening.

The Daily Note

The Daily Note is the main part of your workflow. It has :

  • Links to access higher periods
  • Links to access previous and next days
  • Today ☀️ section -> Contains tasks with a happens date set to today or before, or tasks in progress. Tasks are then grouped by projects or tasks, and by due or overdue. You also get a small #next actions querry.
  • Notes 📝 section -> For adding notes and tasks as one-off tasks.
  • Inbox 📥 section -> A simple todoist-inbox-query to see easily if you have captured items to clarify and organize.
  • Dashboard 🗺️ section -> Multiple queries to see overdue, do today, upcoming in the next 30 days, recurring tasks, next actions, projects, waiting for tasks, delegated tasks, and your focus and goals.
  • Passions 🎮 section -> A query that get your current passions and media from your Passions Backlog 🎮 kanban board. It uses the Doing keyword in titles to get the current passions and media.
  • Logs 🪵 section -> A query that get your created tasks and projects as well as your tasks and projects done today.
  • Daily Focus 🔥 & Goals 🎯 section -> Add your daily focuses and goals here as markdown tasks. A tag #focus or #goals is required.
  • Journal 📓 section -> Add your journal entries here. The mood inline field is a 1-5 notation for the day, from really bad (1) to genial day (5).

The Periodic Notes

You get almost the same sections as the daily notes, but you also have :

  • A modified Tasks-Calendar in the Dashboard 🗺️ in the weekly and monthly notes.
  • Underground 🚇 section -> Queries that have projects grouped by areas, usefull when trying to balance workload. You also get the unplanned and on hold tasks and projects queries.