Web Development Project - Calculator Project in HTML, CSS, JS
In this post, I'll showcase a small project to learn basic web development without any framework.
In this post, I'll showcase a small project to learn basic web development without any framework.
Ever heard about recursion in programming ? Here's a common problem solved using recursion.
Gboard voice typing sometimes doesn't work when using multiple languages. Here's a fix.
The Bose QC35 headset has terrible sound settings by default on windows because of the handsfree telephony mode activated by default. Here's how to change it.
Todoist doesn't provide a way to launch Todoist on startup, minimized. Here's a script that does it.
If you have an OLED PC that you use for work, don't want burn-in but don't want to hide the taskbar either, here's a solution.
Afraid of losing all your hard work on github ? Here a simple and fast way to backup all your projects in multiple zip files.
Having trouble with upload speed on your MSI laptop ? Here's a fix.
Un des gros chantiers que nous avons dû réaliser pour notre voyage a été de refaire entièrement le réseau électrique du van.
Avant de partir à l'aventure, nous avons acheté un van et avons modifié son aménagement. L'occasion de mettre en pratique mes connaissances en conception.